About Our Company
Georgia's #1 Custom High-End Green Home Smart Builder. Words are just words, but we can show you what a true custom high-end home looks like "e; QUALITY "e; this word has been used and abused by local builders, so we try not to use this word when describing our Energy Smart High-End green custom homes. Don't be fooled by those claming "quality" or "Energy Efficient homes" NOT TRUE! a smart buyer would ask how the home is built and if they have images of behind the walls? and a smart of a home buyer, and I would look at other builders homes, because not all builders build the same, as some of them claim to build Custom Energy Efficient homes in South Georgia, and they are NOT!. They have no idea what a true Custom Energy Smart home really is. I call these builders "wolves in sheep's clothing" why because you will end up with a energy hog home, with more problems then you think, and not a true Energy Efficient Smart Homes. We have reached a new low HER's score at Capital Home Builders, Our new home at 100 Green Village Ln, has a new HER’S Score of 45, and this makes our home the most Energy Efficient in South GA. and North Fl. This new Rental home should have an electrical bill of $35/per Month. THIS MAKES US THE BEST BUILDER IN SOUTH Ga. and NORTH Fl. New home buyers beware we seem to have home builders in Thomasville, GA. Claming to be building energy efficient homes, Again NOT TRUE! they are claming Energy Efficient with NO certification, and they are deceiving buyers. "No state certification, Not Energy Efficient". We also have notice recently that local appraisers are appraising these low-end homes built by these local builders with a high value than they should be. They are valuing these low-end homes on just crown building and trim work, WOW! they are not interested if the home was built with high-end construction materials, nor if the home is Energy Efficient certify with a State certification HER’s score. Most of all these local builders have these appraisers in their pockets, to fetch the value of their homes, “buyers beware! Our homes have true Energy Efficient values and are State cerified. Our homes will and always appraise high than any other locl builderare. Our appraised value is at $189 Per Sq. Ft. and going up!
We are the BEST! Green Home Builder.
Capital Home Builders has built a reputation as elite custom home builders throughout the North Florida and Georgia for over 15 years. CHB New Homes' mission is to create value for our home buyers by building excellence homes with engineered affordability. This means our house plans have been systematically evaluated to ensure that we deliver the best value, per square foot, to our homeowners. Homebuyers will feel confident in their choice to partner with award-winning CHB High-End Homes. We are the only Builder in Thomasville, Valdosta, and South Georgia as well as the #1 HERS Rated energy smart home builder. With all new CHB Homes we systematically evaluate all house plans to ensure that we can deliver the best value, per square foot, to our clients. Our homes come standard with so many energy saving features such as the best effective insulation possible, high performance windows, quick recovery water heaters and much, much more high efficiency features you will not find in any other home built in Thomasville, or Georgia. When looking to buy a home or looking to build a home. All of our homes are built to Florida Building Code, and we are the only builder building top quality High-End Enrgy Efficient Smart homes. In Thomasville, South Georgia, and North Florida, we have builders building low quality homes and claiming custom quality, NOT TRUE! These homes being built around Thomasville are low quality with no HERS rating score, so that means high electrical bill, and with these local builders you get a low under tonnage A/C unit with your new home, because 99.99% of these local builders only care about adding lots, and lots of trimwork, skimming on the size of the A/C unit, and lots of other shortcuts that you can't see..[...]Energy Efficiency with HERS
There is real proof that energy efficient homes are worth more and enjoy higher resale values than their counterparts. A study conducted by Earth Advantage Institute, a nonprofit group, found that newly built homes that were certified as energy efficient sold on average for 8% more than non-certified homes (the study looked at homes in the six-county Portland metropolitan area). Not only that but certified existing homes sold for up to 30% more than their non-certified counterparts. In addition, another study, conducted jointly by the University of North Carolina and the Institute for Market Transformation, found that on average mortgage default risks were 32% lower on homes certified as energy efficient. In order to be deemed energy efficient, a home must first be energy rated.
The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index is the industry standard by which a home's energy efficiency is measured. Every CHB Home comes with an independently certified HERS rating, which is part of our commitment to be a RESNET Energy Smart Builder. [...] Please contact who we know to be the best Realtor in Thomasville, GA. Marlene @ 229-289-0139 or EcoHomesGA.com. She Will show you all properties available not the ones that benefit her with the most commission, like 99.9% of local Realtors do. If you are looking to buy a home in Thomasville, GA and the South Georgia area look out for "Realtors" trying to sale you their listing, why because if they sale their listing that is a BIG CASH OUT! of 6% commission for them, so DON'T expect any loyalty. "A duty of loyalty is one of the most fundamental fiduciary duties owed by an agent/Realtor to his principal". NOT IN THOMASVILLE!
Kids Corner
ENERGY STAR. This activity book has games, puzzles, and words searches all to help children learn about what they can do more energy-efficient and fight global warming. EPA is very excited to work with 20th Century Fox connection with their new movie, Dr. Seuss' "Horton Hears a Who" to help Americans and their kids learn about energy efficiency and ENERGY STAR .Play Horton Games
Now Hear This: What you can do in your home to fight global warming. This pamphlet highlights six steps we can all take in our homes part of the solution to help protect the environment.
Join the Lorax and EPA by doing your part every day. We can all fight global warming by making easy changes at home and at school. Learn more at energystar.gov/kids.